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Lagoon Creek
Catchment Restoration

Preserving Natural Values
Indigenous native plant species are vital for natural area and habitat restoration and help preserve the local biodiversity that is significantly high in SEQLD
Plants play important roles in their terrestrial environments. They are vital to local healthy waterways which support many industries and our quality of life. These vegetation communities can help regulate our weather events and local climate, inducing local rain events (Up to 70% percent of local rainfall can be contributed to plants and vegetation), mitage flood events, sequester carbon, cool the enviroment and stabilise terrestrial and aquatic temperatures (important for aquatic life), stop weed invasion - (a billion dollar a year cost, reducing weed control herbicides that is also putting pollutant in our water), provide erosion control ( curbing another damaging pollutant), remediate polluted soils and biofiltrate urban, agricultural, and storm water waste, purifying it all before it enters Moreton Bay, and negatively effecting marine ecosytems.Native plants are specialised to grow and support our environment and ecosystem health. They are incredibly undervalued considering the roles that they do in our community.
A volunteer is a person
whose work is unpaid
but whose
contribution is


These Values are priceless and the scale of their influence on supporting
life are uncalculatable
All that makes Australia
great is found in the
incredible live giving
rivers, beaches, coastal and
subtropical wetlands, forests
and landscapes, supported by
vegetation adapted to thrive
in these areas.
There is nothing more natural
than supporting these natural systems in our local areas, utilising and respecting these life giving forces and the beneficial roles they can play in our community.
The Australian Government has commited to limit fossil fuel use to meet climate change net zero targets. The inclusion and protection of natural vegetation even in urban parklands will be essential to manage natural area suistainably overall and reduce natural area degradation.

“We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land we are on today the Gubbi Gubbi/Kabi Kabi people.
We show our respect to all elders, past, present and emerging, and acknowledge and celebrate the culture, the custodianship and the connection to these people and the land we are on”
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