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Please complete the form 

1. How can you tell the difference between a two-stroke and a four-stroke engine?
2. Before using power tools like brushcutters, what must you do?
3. What is the correct hygiene process to prevent the spread of chytrid fungus, myrtle rust, and dieback?
4. What should you bring with you off site?
5. What should you do if you find damaged equipment?
6. You are spot spraying with chemicals right beside a waterway. What should you do?
7. What should you do to protect the natural environment during activities?
8. How should you handle equipment and machinery?
9. What should you do if you find dumped chemical waste?
10. What should you do if you come across a spilled chemical?
11. When usng a brush cutter you must
12. What should you do if you have concerns about the safety of a task or activity?
13. Who is responsible for you and your teams safety?
14. Why is it important to report safety concerns and incidents promptly?
15. I should avoid the following actions
16. Where ar the fist aid kits?

Thanks for submitting!

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